Veil of the Unseen

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a rogue or a bard)

The Veil of the Unseen is a delicate, shimmering scarf woven from strands of shadow and light. When wrapped around the wearer’s head, it flows like mist, creating an ethereal look. Legends say it was crafted by an ancient sorceress who sought to hide from her enemies, blending tools of stealth with the elusive nature of magic. The fabric cools upon touch, hinting at its enigmatic properties and the secrets it holds.

Invisible Escape. While wearing the Veil of the Unseen, you become invisible for up to 1 hour. This effect can be activated as an action, providing you with a tactical advantage in stealth scenarios. This invisibility does not break even when attacking, allowing for a strategic escape or surprise attack without compromise.
Master of Stealth. In addition to becoming invisible, the Veil grants a +5 bonus to your Dexterity (Stealth) checks. You become a whisper in the night, undetected by even the keenest eyes or ears. This bonus makes you a master of staying hidden, whether in urban environments or the wild.
Detection Immunity. Moreover, the wearer of the Veil cannot be detected by magical means. Spells such as Detect Magic or True Seeing fail to locate you, leaving only mundane methods to track your presence. However, if you attack or cast a spell, the invisibility effect ends, so choose your actions wisely.

Cost: 2500 gp, Weight: 1 lb